I wholeheartedly agree Paul! The Church has such richness in her teachings and much of it isn’t transmitted - instead it’s often substituted for the opinions and interpretations of popular Catholic personalities. We could all do with living by the old Kerrygold Butter slogan - “Nothing added, nothing taken away.”
I wholeheartedly agree Paul! The Church has such richness in her teachings and much of it isn’t transmitted - instead it’s often substituted for the opinions and interpretations of popular Catholic personalities. We could all do with living by the old Kerrygold Butter slogan - “Nothing added, nothing taken away.”
I wholeheartedly agree Paul! The Church has such richness in her teachings and much of it isn’t transmitted - instead it’s often substituted for the opinions and interpretations of popular Catholic personalities. We could all do with living by the old Kerrygold Butter slogan - “Nothing added, nothing taken away.”