**This study group is now sold out
Politics has been burning me out this past month. I feel a real tension in trying to meet the responsibilities I have to be an educated and informed adult while also trying to focus on the areas of my life and community where I actually have influence.
In the past, I’ve found a sense of groundedness and direction in the Church’s social teaching, specifically, the documents of Pope Francis, whose social teaching I believe is a prophetic voice in this time. So I’m once again poking though his 2020 social encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. And as I’ve done so, I’ve felt the desire to share the grace I’ve received through this teaching.
So I decided to lead a Fratelli Tutti Study Group through Lent. And you can join!
This study group will help you understand what the Church’s social doctrine has to say about the world today. More than that though, the goal of this group is to encourage you to apply this teaching to your own life.
Pope Francis acknowledges that this teaching seems "wildly unrealistic" (FT 127). Nevertheless, this group is an invitation to revisit your own political values and to ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to reconsider your choices in order to empower you to live “a way of life marked by the flavor of the Gospel” (FT 1).
“It is my desire that, in this our time, by acknowledging the dignity of each human person, we can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity. Fraternity between all men and women…Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travelers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all” (FT 8).
In this group, you will have:
The freedom to participate as you want
The opportunity to learn and grow within a small group
A non-judgemental space that proclaims and invites, but never imposes
The chance to ask and discuss any questions that you have
This group is for:
Anyone trying to better understand what it means to live as a Christian in their community
This workshop will help you:
Better understand the Church’s social teaching
Participate more in building the Kingdom of God
Apply the Church’s social teaching to your own life
Have the skills and confidence to read and understand papal documents
This is a five-part live study group that will be held virtually on March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27, and April 3 at 7:30-9:00pm (EST).
The first meeting will include personal introductions and a brief introduction to Catholic Social Teaching as a whole as well as this particular encyclical. The study group will be held in a seminar format where small group-discussion will be prioritized over lecture or formal presentations.
I believe that anyone, regardless of their financial situation, should be able to participate in this group. I do not wish for inability to pay to prevent you from registering. Based on my formation and time commitment, this study group is valued at $250. Making this group available to anyone who can benefit from it is important to me, but it is also an important part of my family’s income.
While the full value of the five-part group is $250, you decide what you can pay. Whether it's $10 or more than $250, your contribution is appreciated. Even if you can't attend, but you are grateful resources like this exist, you can financially support the workshop. Any amount helps.
How to Pay:
1. Preferred Method: Send your contribution via PayPal (paul@faheycounseling.com) or Venmo (@catholicthirdspace)
2. Or use your credit card here:
This flexible pricing is a new approach I'm trying. I hope it can be an opportunity for solidarity within this community and an opportunity for me to trust in God's providence more.
I’m looking forward to having you in this group.
I co-wrote and edited a study guide for Fratelli Tutti that’s available for free: https://wherepeteris.com/fratellituttiguide.pdf
I also have a presentation about Fratelli Tutti that you can watch here: https://www.catholicthirdspace.com/p/brothers-and-sisters-all-7b4
Buy a print of the Good Samaritan icon: https://paintedsanctuary.etsy.com/listing/1158508359