A few months ago I was invited by my friend, Sister Dorcee Clarey, to give a series of talks for her religious community during their summer community gathering. So I prepared some material about the Eucharist and about St. Joseph, and at the end of July I had the privilege of spending time with The Servants of God’s Love.
They assured me that the talks I shared were impactful for them, but I know for certain that my time with them was impactful for me. Their hospitality and kindness was a blessing, and so was hearing stories from the sisters who are serving the poor in Flint, MI. They have such profound trust in the Lord to provide.
My own faith risks becoming stagnant in focusing on the ways that the Church harms people. I believe this is good work, work that the Lord has asked me to step into. But being around people who are just doing the thing, who are bringing Christ to ordinary people and serving the poor, I felt rejuvenated.
I asked the sisters if there was anything I could do for their community and Sr. Rachel, who works in Flint, said, “Intercession has made the greatest impact on all missionary efforts, and is the backbone of our ministries in Flint.” And she asked me to pray for them and to ask others to pray for them.
They have a monthly novena that they pray for the people of Flint during the first nine days of every month. Please consider joining in that prayer tomorrow, September 1st.
If you’re on Catholic Twitter, you may recognize Sister Dorcee (@SrDorcee) as one of the consistently kind and generous people on there.
Last year, along with Sister Christina, they were able to meet with Pope Francis. The story behind that meeting is here:
Thanks for sharing this.