Who is Paul Fahey?
I live in Michigan with my wife, Kristina, and five kids. I’m a limited licensed professional counselor, retreat leader, and catechist.
About the Third Space newsletter
This Substack was previously titled Pope Francis Generation and focused on explaining and promoting Pope Francis’s teachings that have given me tremendous spiritual freedom and made the Church safer from fundamentalism and spiritual abuse.
Over the years, the mission of this website has changed to reflect my own spiritual evolution. I have felt more and more convicted that the Heart of the Church isn’t the ecclesiastical institution, isn’t the hierarchy, and isn’t the pope. Jesus said, “whatever you do for the poor and vulnerable among you, you do for me” (cf. Matthew 25:40).
Over the past year I have been convicted that the Heart of the Church is the vulnerable and marginalized and those who serve them. And I believe it’s more important for me to associate myself with them, even more than it is for me to associate myself with the pope.
In the Third Space we will discuss the good in the Church (including Pope Francis’s teaching), and we will discuss the ugliness and evil in the Church. We will live in the grey—avoiding easy answers and black and white fundamentalism—in order to hold on to all that is true, hopeful for what the Holy Spirit will bring from the tension.
The reason I created a Substack is so that people who like my writing can support me. My wife and I are raising five kids, paying the mortgage, and paying off grad school, so whether it’s $10 or $1,000, every penny is appreciated!
Speaking of my wife…
Kristina Fahey is a Catholic artist! Check out her work at Painted Sanctuary.
Connect with me
You can contact me on Facebook, Twitter, or email me with any comments or to invite me to come speak at your parish or event.
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